People who develop these diseases are ones who are regularly exposed to this fibre in their workplace. Regular exposure occurs when these people work directly with the asbestos or through any other environmental sources.
When a person is exposed to asbestos at the workplace the chances of getting cancer, mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases increases considerably.
The risk also increases on other factors like the duration and the intensity of the exposure of the asbestos. Normally, a few months exposure to asbestos can cause these diseases. However, mesothelioma is caused by higher exposure of asbestos.
Asbestos are produced in industries and are used a lot. There are millions of workers are exposed to the toxic environment of asbestos. Traders who are involved in steel mills, electrical, plumbing, mining, milling, shipbuilding, military forces are exposed to asbestos. They are at risk of breathing the toxic product.
Federal and state governments have labelled asbestos as a health hazard and they have defined certain protocols for the employees who work in such hazardous environment.
Source: http://topnews.net.nz
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